online marketing psychology

December 1, 2010

One year of dirty hands marketing

Today I've been writing exactly one year on this blog.

Big thanks to all of you readers, especially those of you who ever dropped a comment, shared a link to my blog or gave me some feedback. You are my motivation to keep posting!

(Although I could do without all those great link building sites who keep emailing me great deals for little money :P)

These occasions are an ideal time to look back and see how things have worked out.


Initial idea: write two times a week about what marketeers really do, focused on Brazil. 

Actual blog: I wrote about Brazil ( Brands of Brazil series among other articles) but felt too limited. So throughout the year I've been covering good marketing from all over the world. A total of 85 articles leaves me short of the two articles a week goal. But let's say I've made that difference up in quality ;)

Top posts

The five most read posts
  1. Brands of Brazil: Natura - 293 visits
  2. Ambev - Brands of Brazil - 264 visits
  3. Brands of Brazil: Brasil Foods - 247 visits
  4. Ice cream: a universal language? - 169 visits
  5. The story of exporting Brahma beer to the world - 148 visits
Not the top five I would have imagined when I was writing the articles.

Most of the traffic to this articles is coming from search engines, especially image searches (include those alt tags!). But apart from the increasing the numbers, this traffic isn't really valuable.

The best traffic: people leaving comments, subscribing or visiting again, comes from inbound links. Other blogs or sites, from real people that care about the stuff I write about.

Meeting more of these people and connecting with them is one of the challenges in the year ahead. So if you are one of them, get in touch! :)

Thanks again for your support and I hope you'll keep visiting this little spot on the net!


  1. Congratualations Dennis. To start up a blog isn't that difficult, but to post on a regular basis with a focus on quality and content is. I've been visiting your spot for a while now. Keep up the good work

  2. Congratulations Dennis!
    I was given the advice to start following your blog by a friend.Didn't regret it so far. Hands-on, useful information . Thanks

  3. Thanks Dimitri and Sam! Great to hear you are enjoying it here :)
